To best utilize this help section it is recommended that you open it in a separate tab or window for quick reference.
Introduction and Main Menu
The Council Minutes and Ordinances are available for public access from the Village website using a software program called Filebound. When you click on the link it will take you to the program and grant you access to the files. From the front page, click on the search icon (the magnifying glass) where you can search the various projects. When you select a project, you will be taken to a search screen. Because the projects have different search criteria they must be searched differently.
Council Minutes and CIC Minutes
Minutes are searchable primarily by date. If you know the exact date you may enter it under the date text box. The format is “MM-DD-YYYY.” The keyword search box useful if you do not know the exact date, the format is “YYYY-MM-DD,” this box allows you to search by entering the year only or the year and month. If you do not know the date you may search by the full text search option. This is accessed by clicking on the advanced search link. If you wish to bring up all of the minutes you may leave the search boxes empty and press enter.
Council Ordinances-Resolutions and CIC Resolutions
Ordinances, like minutes, can be searched by date, the format is “MM-DD-YYYY.” Additionally you may search by ordinance number if it is known; the format is “YYYY-NN.” Please make note ordinance numbers must be entered with a 0 (zero) if they are single digit, for example: Ordinance “1995-5” would correctly be entered “1995-05.” This is to keep the ordinances in proper order when viewing from the list view. Ordinances prior to 1976 will be formatted as “YYYY-NNNN”.
If it is desirable, you may input the year and bring up every ordinance under that year. The full text search works exactly the same as it does for the minutes. Finally, you may enter your search under file notes, it yields much more accurate results, but is only searchable by the titles and keywords of the ordinances.
Resolutions are found with the ordinances, and thus, follow the same search guidelines. The only difference is the format, all resolutions will have an “R” in between the year and ordinance number, hence, the format is “YYYY-R-NN.” Resolutions prior to 1976 will be formatted as “YYYY-R-NNN”.
Choosing your document
Once you have entered your search criteria a list of results will be displayed. Each of these is a link to the document itself. You may choose to organize these results by clicking on the header that divides it. For example, under the ordinances, you can choose to organize the list by date or ordinance number. To view multiple documents on a page check the box next to each desired page, then bring up the viewer. If only one document is found you will be taken straight to that document.
Viewing the document
Once you have selected your document click on the link to open it. You will be taken to another screen that is called “file details.” Here, you have several options. To the left of the document listing you may click on the monitor icon to get a thumbnail view of the document. You may also click on file notes to read the header if available.
Viewing the documents can be done in one of three ways. At the top right of the listing you will see a link that says “view documents,” clicking that will take you to the viewer and allow you to view the document with the Filebound viewer. By placing the cursor over the link you will see a secondary option for a quick view. Finally, you may click on the link “view document” to bring up that document only. It is recommended that you use the web viewer for ease of use.
Installing the viewer
Because the Filebound program is not entirely web based, the Windows viewer can be installed for more options. On the top right hand of the page there is a user icon with a drop down menu, from that menu click on “preferences” there will be a button at the top right to install the viewer . Click on that link and it will download the installation file, once downloaded, open the file and use that program to allow windows to read the file. See the link below for more details.
Detailed instructionsNavigating the viewer
The viewer will open in a separate window with a new interface. The left panel will display what document you are viewing. Each listing will be displayed, and underneath it is the specific page. Click on the next page to view each one.
At the top of the page you will see multiple icons. You can mouse over the icons to see their names. Here is a basic explanation starting from left to right:
- Arrow with box: this will allow you to email, print or use the windows viewing
- Magnifying Glass: allows you to do a file search
- Down arrow: allows to to export or download the files
- Magnifying glass with + and -: allows you to zoom in and out
- Circular arrow going left and right: allows you to rotate 90 degrees
- Cog: web viewer options
When finished, the viewer can be closed with the X at the top right of the window.
The Filebound screen can be closed at any time using the X at the top right of the window. If you wish to keep both and Filebound open simultaneously you can open the viewer in another tab or window.