Economic Development Programs
Economic Development Incentive Programs available to eligible companies expanding within or locating to Lockland:
Duke Energy Brownfield Redevelopment Utility Incentive
For customers locating on a former qualified brownfield site, Duke Energy is providing a discounted tariff rate on distribution charges as follows:
50% reduction on the distribution charge for the first 12 month period.
40% reduction on the distribution charge for the second 12-month period.
30% reduction on the distribution charge for the third 12-month period.
20% reduction on the distribution charge for the fourth 12-month period.
10% reduction on the distribution charge for the fifth 12-month period.
For more information, contact the Village Administrator at Town Hall.
Ohio Voluntary Action Program
A state program provides incentives for people who voluntarily clean up property contaminated by hazardous substances and petroleum. Incentives include low interest loans for clean up costs and a 10-year tax exemption on the increase in real property value resulting from voluntary action. The Village may exempt development projects that participate in this program from increases in property taxes for up to 10 years.